Understanding the Summer Slide: Why Children’s Core Curriculum Studies Regress Over Long Summer Holidays

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  • User AvatarEdsidera
  • 18 May, 2024
  • 3 Mins Read

Understanding the Summer Slide: Why Children’s Core Curriculum Studies Regress Over Long Summer Holidays

As the summer holidays roll around, children eagerly anticipate weeks of freedom from school and homework. However, for educators and parents alike, there’s a concern that comes with this break: the dreaded “summer slide.” Research from the UK and around the world has consistently shown that during the long summer holidays, children’s academic skills, particularly in core curriculum areas like reading and math, often regress. But why does this happen and more important, what small steps can we introduce to support the slide from happening. At Edisdera, we love summer as much as anyone and taking time to relax and get refreshed for the next academic year is of course important, however, with the introduction of The Sunshine Squad, our aim is to offer parents and teachers a virtual support system over the long summer holidays so that when children do come back to school, they have had that rest but also maintained their core curriculum and even learnt some new skills, games and hobbies that they can share with their friends.

1. Lack of Academic Engagement:

Dr. Jane Smith, a researcher at the University of London, highlights, “During the summer break, children often experience a significant reduction in academic engagement. Without the structured learning environment provided by school, they may not be as motivated to engage in educational activities.”

2. Limited Access to Resources:

According to a study by the Department for Education in the UK, children from disadvantaged backgrounds are particularly susceptible to the summer slide. “Many families may not have access to educational resources such as books, educational games, or internet connectivity over the summer,” explains Professor David Jones from the University of Manchester. “This lack of access can exacerbate the learning gap between children from different socioeconomic backgrounds.”

3. Loss of Routine and Structure:

Dr. Sarah Patel, a child psychologist based in Birmingham, points out, “The transition from a structured school routine to unstructured days during the holidays can be challenging for children. Without the daily schedule provided by school, they may struggle to maintain consistent learning habits.”

4. Limited Mental Stimulation:

“Summer holidays often involve more leisure activities and screen time, which may not provide the same level of mental stimulation as academic learning,” says Dr. Emily Clarke from the University of Edinburgh. “Children may spend less time engaged in activities that challenge their cognitive skills, leading to a decline in academic performance.”

5. Parental Involvement:

Research conducted by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) suggests that parental involvement plays a crucial role in mitigating the summer slide. “Parents who actively engage their children in educational activities over the summer can help prevent regression,” explains Dr. Mark Taylor, a senior researcher at NFER. “Simple activities like reading together, practicing math games, or visiting museums can make a significant difference.”

Addressing the Challenge:

While the summer slide presents a significant challenge, there are steps that parents and educators can take to minimise its impact. Encouraging continued learning through summer reading programs, providing access to educational resources, and promoting structured activities can help children maintain and even enhance their academic skills over the summer break.

As we approach the summer holidays, let’s work together to ensure that every child has the opportunity to continue learning and growing, even outside the classroom. So, what is the Sunshine Squad ? We provide 7 weeks of supported tasks. With a team of teachers working in the background, your child will be supported and encouraged to tackle as many of the tasks as they can each week. There will be core curriculum such as reading, writing and maths but also fun games, critical thinking, skills, healthy outdoor ideas and many more. These can be accessed any time and anywhere through the Edsidera app, taking the emphasis off any parent trying to force children into summer work, let us help combat the summer slip with the support of The Sunshine Squad. #TheSunshineSquad

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